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Ford Escort MK2 L station vagon

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Kaufpreis: Є9.000,00

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Ford Escort MK2 L station vagon
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  • Ford Escort MK2
  • Ford Escort MK2
  • Ford Escort MK2
  • Ford Escort MK2
  • Ford Escort MK2

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This Ford Escort mk2 is imported from the center of Portugal where it was not salted in winter, so the body is virtually free of corrosion.It is from a private collector in Portugal.In the past, the car was made of all-paint, by the collector himself, with the fact that some details will need to be tightened, such as the exhaust and some details on the chassis.However, the overall condition of the outside, motor and interior of this piece is exceptional.
The car has a genuine interior with a flooded fully functional radio and beautiful scents and interior in a flooded state.
The Ford Escort mk2 has fans all over the world and year after year the price of this model is rising.
Experience the joy of owning this piece, which is very difficult to find today, so it will not only make you happy to ride with it, but also suitable for collectors.
In this body version, the Ford Escort mk1 and mk2 were produced directly in Portugal, and you will hardly find it in the L Station body version, not at all in such an exceptional condition.The car is fully functional and mobile with a valid European Union - Portugal technical certificate.
Make: 1979
Engine: 1.3

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