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Oldtimer Packard 400 1955

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Kaufpreis: Є1,00

Oldtimer Packard 400 gebraucht günstig kaufen

Aktuelle Besucherbewertung: Aktuelles Rating für dieses Auto (4)
basierend auf 5 Stimmenzahl
Oldtimer Packard 400 1955
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  • Oldtimer Packard 400
  • Oldtimer Packard 400
  • Oldtimer Packard 400
  • Oldtimer Packard 400
  • Oldtimer Packard 400

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Gebraucht: Artikel wurde bereits benutzt. Weitere Einzelheiten, z. B. genaue Beschreibung etwaiger Fehler oder Mängel im Angebot des Verkäufers. Unfall-/Bastlerfahrzeug:

Kein Unfall-/Bastlerfzg.


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Attention !

Delivery price to germany 400 eur., delivery arrangement to other countries only when contacted before bidding!

 Very nice and rarely in Europe seen Packard 400 1955  for sale. There are only 7201 cars manufactured.The chromed parts need to be chromed again. The motor of height regulator and compensator is working. In garage i was under the car and when i give the power to the contacts ,the rear is going down easily . The biggest problem is the rear arches.
The oil pressure sensor is not working (there is additional sensor under the dashboard), but i have a new original one. The glass of the speedometer is cracked (i have new one). I also have all small writings.The glass of the passenger door is cracked. El. windows are working, the seat el. control is working, radio is working. There is a new exhaust system bought with rezonators. The main view of the car is not bad, but it need a full restoration. Run&drive.
Just a little bit of work and you will have a part of history in your garage. It is also a good choice for commercial purposes after restoration, like rental. The vehicle would be delivered in the territory of Germany in two weeks, after the advanced payment of 800 EUR. The rest of the total amount you would pay on the delivery day at your address.  Please feel free to ask any question, i can send more photos.All the information by phone (+37068318438 English) or by email... Have a nice bidding!Private auction, no guarantees.
Sorry my German
 The vehicle has come from U.S.A. All documents are ready for registration. All the custom fees are payed.
Rechtliche Informationen des Verkäufers Carfix Kontaktdaten Raimondas Petrosius Jurininku pr. 12 95231 Klaipeda Lithuania Telefon:69812976 E-Mail:
Widerrufsbelehrung Rücknahmebedingungen: Weitere Angaben Der Verkäufer nimmt diesen Artikel nicht zurück.

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