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Ford Focus mk1 zu verkaufen

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Kaufpreis: Є250,00

Ford Focus mk1 gebraucht günstig kaufen

Aktuelle Besucherbewertung: Aktuelles Rating für dieses Auto (5)
basierend auf 5 Stimmenzahl
Ford Focus mk1
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  • Ford Focus mk1
  • Ford Focus mk1
  • Ford Focus mk1
  • Ford Focus mk1
  • Ford Focus mk1

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Gebraucht: Artikel wurde bereits benutzt. Weitere Einzelheiten, z. B. genaue Beschreibung etwaiger Fehler oder Mängel im Angebot des Verkäufers. Alle Zustandsdefinitionen aufrufen– wird in neuem Fenster oder Tab geöffnet Kraftstoff: Benzin
Leistung: 74 Marke: Ford
Sicherheitsmerkmale: Beifahrer-Airbag Modell: Focus
Hi-Fi-/ Navigation: Radio / CD Typ: Kombi
Komfortausstattung: Elektrische Fensterheber, Klimaanlage, Servolenkung, Sitzheizung Datum der Erstzulassung: 20030623
Außenausstattung: Leichtmetallfelgen Kilometerstand: 170000
Farbe: Silber Emissionsklasse: Euro


Details anzeigen

A Ford Focus MK1 is for sale here. 2003 model Tüv 12.2020 expiredCondition see picturesGood engineSeat heating The vehicle is sold on 14 inch rims with new season.Since repairs and maintenance are now overdue, I quickly sell it to the highest bidder.I will not stop the auction prematurely unless the car changes condition. I assume that the car is handed over ready to drive. I will keep the car registered until the end of the auction, but for insurance reasons I do not want to hand it over registered.Air conditioning and electric windows work perfectly. To hobbyists or exporters ! The vehicle is sold exclusively as a hobbyist vehicle, without any warranty, guarantee or other liability.
A Ford Focus MK1 is for sale here. 2003 model Tüv 12.2020 expiredCondition see picturesGood engineSeat heating The vehicle is sold on 14 inch rims with new season.Since repairs and maintenance are now overdue, I sell it quickly to the highest bidder.I will not stop the auction prematurely unless the condition of the car changes. I assume that the car is handed over ready to drive. I will keep the car registered until the end of the auction, but for insurance reasons I do not want to hand it over registered.Air conditioning and electric windows work perfectly. To hobbyists or exporters! The vehicle is sold exclusively as a hobbyist vehicle, without any warranty, guarantee or other liability.

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