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Bestattungsanhänger Wohnmobil WoMo Camper Teardrop Oldtimer Anhänger VW T1 Käfer

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Kaufpreis: Є990,00

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Bestattungsanhänger Wohnmobil WoMo Camper
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  • Bestattungsanhänger Wohnmobil WoMo
  • Bestattungsanhänger Wohnmobil WoMo
  • Bestattungsanhänger Wohnmobil WoMo
  • Bestattungsanhänger Wohnmobil WoMo

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Gebraucht: Artikel wurde bereits benutzt. Weitere Einzelheiten, z. B. genaue Beschreibung etwaiger Fehler oder Mängel im Angebot des Verkäufers. Marke: BPW


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I have to sell this teardrop camper project before the end due to relocation. It is german made from the fifties based on BPW structure (torsion suspension and frame). The trailer has no brake. All the other are made of wood by a german manufacture. 
The weight is around 130-150 kgs so its ideal behind an old Transporter or Käfer. 
I planned to restore it for myself but I"m unable to end the project.
I replaced the inner layered wood covering to new and put insulation material between the inner and outer cover. The wood frame and the wood panels are treated by wood protecting material. 
I cutted the side windows of plexiglas for safety reasons. They are fitted with windscreen glue and there are also decorating frames inside for the windows.
The bottom panel is very massive layered truck cargo room flooring so it is good for transporting vintage motorcycles as well
I"ve grinded the old paint layers from the outer side and treated the wood by wood ground paint. The only thing that the new owner should do is painting the final color on the surface.
I"ve only got and old dutch license plate when I bought it but I"m not sure that it is for this trailer.
I can transport the trailer to Germany for a fair price.

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